Make Life Easier; Stop Beating Yourself Up!

The Commitment: Examine those things in your life that cause you to question yourself and ruin a day.

Stop beating yourself up! You’re a work in progress…you’ll get there a little at a time…not all at once. ~Unk

The questions: Let’s examine something many of us do. Does this sound familiar? Dwelling on the negatives rather than the positives? I’m not saying that we shouldn’t fix those things that need improving. Why constantly find fault, then fixate on it? Why Continue to ruin and waste a day, week, month or year…your life, thinking the worst will happen is never the better option?

“Our mind is powerful. When filled with positive thoughts, life will start to change.” ~Anonymous

Daily Decisions can help us enjoy, believe and trust more. Instead of discrediting the strategy give it a try. Commit to leaning into a positive mindset…practicing daily helps to flip around a lackluster day.

1. Stay aware; work to see the positive. 2. Let go of the judgement, ego, circular negative thoughts and toxic emotions. 3. Remind yourself It doesn’t help to go negative, it only diminishes the quality of life. Doing it makes it easier to counter.

Think about this: A positive mindset allows opportunities to enter . Once we feel deserving it’s more likely to happen. Remember: We’re OUR life’s creator…we create the reality! Attitude is a big contributor to any outcome! Take accountability for this one life!

Unlike self-criticism, which asks if you’re good enough, self-compassion asks, what’s good for you?~Anonymous

So why do we dwell on negative things? The simple answer ‘negativity bias’.

The takeaway: We’re hardwired for Negativity Bias as far back as caveman times. It’s proven, humans have a propensity to give more weight in our minds to things that go wrong (negative information / events) than to the things that go right (positive information / events).

I will not allow anyone to walk in my mind with dirty feet. ~Gandhi

Self-promise: Quieting the critical voices…ours, or others’ helps instill confidence and self-belief.

Things to remember to shut down circular thinking, worry, self-bullying and negativity bias:

Here’s what I do personally…
#1: Distract from the circular negative thoughts.
Shower myself with self kindness and patience.

#2: When negativity looms and you’re becoming self criticalstop in your tracks and call yourself to action!

#3: Alter your mindset: Focus on the productive. Respect, appreciate and value yourself.

#4: Embrace confidence! Simply be yourself. Remember the good around and in you. You’re good enough!

#5. Pay attention to triggers that impact your self-doubt. Breathe, conjure up positivity; hold your head up.

Both circular thinking and overthinking ruins the moment. Perfectionism fosters this problem.

When we focus on the positive we are able to quiet our mind’s chatter. ~Deborah Mallow

“Washington University Researchers discovered that positive thoughts helped exercisers stick with their workout routines. When reviewing answers to a set of questionnaires, those who believed in the benefits of exercise were more likely to exercise.” Focusing on the positive offers a better chance you’ll achieve goals. Positive thinking has been proven to reduce stress and cardiovascular problems.

Here are some simple quick ideas (strategies)…an Activity to reinforce and Fight to keep negativity in check, and a consistent approach to overcome circular thinking, worry, fear, judgment.

Please share any of yours in the comments, or simply email me:

#1: Take a yearly calendar (the ones that come free in the mail are always my favorites to use for this exercise). Month by month paste a monthly page on your refrigerator.

#2: Every day (yes all 365): focus on positive not negative situations / events / thoughts! To confirm you actually do it - with a pen put a checkmark on that date.

#3: To cement the positive action: Write a few words quickly on the calendar page, in the box you just checked, noting how you overcame those negative thoughts. Don’t overthink it, do what comes to your mind immediately…keep it brief so it doesn’t become a chore, just a benefit.

For example: I didn’t let fear cripple me or I fought through the negative noise. Or, use an affirmation: I believed in myself…my fears are not reality.

Make this exercise easy, not overwhelming…It’s then you’ll do it and create positive habits.

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Norman Vincent Peale

This little tidbit should hit home…it does for me. “The association for Psychological Science found those who had a positive outlook on life were less likely to experience memory decline as they age. Participants with higher positive affect, which refers to feeling more cheerfulness and enthusiasm, maintained more of their memory.” Isn’t this study enough to make you want to cross over to the sunny side of the street?

Here’s a mantra: I choose to thrive not just survive!

Some Daily Decisions! Stop beating yourself up, making life harder than it needs to be. Simply, get out of your own way. Create Your Own Sunshine!

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” ~Jim Rohn

XO, Deborah (‘The give yourself a hug’ whisperer and faithful cheerleader).
Sharing tools to change what inhibits into self-improvement