Posts in Self-Help
How To Wage War On A Bad Mood & Make Any Day Better!

The Commitment: Refuse a bad mood! Feeling at our best all the time isn’t reality…but how we train our thoughts and take action can improve a situation, mood and well-being!

The Question is: Why Perpetuate a Bad Mood and Permeate The Day? What’s the point of fighting with or self-bullying yourself? Doesn’t it make more sense to make your day the best it can be?

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Declutter Mind, Toxic People – Home and Work Habitat!

The Commitment: Stop saying I Can’t: Declutter anything toxic- no more excuses. Believe in: I can!

The Questions: Why give away your power? Why give into the naysayers, toxic situations, people, even stuff you accumulate that’s no longer necessary? Why make life more difficult? Simplify! Rid what’s in the way. Put value…

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Why Fear Failure? Instead, Call It Education!

The Commitment: Fight back! Why fear failure? Stop caring what others think! Neutralize your fears.

The Questions: If thoughts are many times not truth…Isn’t it time to be your mind’s master? Why let thoughts hold us back? Make this one special life count. Daily Decisions can make life better. Make a conscious decision…

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Make Life Easier; Stop Beating Yourself Up!

The Commitment: Examine those things in your life that cause you to question yourself and ruin a day.

The questions: Let’s examine something many of us do. Does this sound familiar? Dwelling on the negatives rather than the positives? I’m not saying that we shouldn’t fix those things that need improving. Why constantly find fault, then fixate…

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What's Normal Anyhow? Authenticity Makes Life Easier!

Here are some things to think about To: Carve out your own path unique to you! 

1. Why try to fit in when you can stand out? 2. Ask yourself what’s ‘normal’ anyhow? Embrace the true you…body, mind and spirit. Think you’re not good enough? 3. Stop and remind yourself to make life easier. How? Delete the negative…

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