Declutter Mind, Toxic People – Home and Work Habitat!
The Commitment: Stop saying – Can’t. Declutter anything toxic – no more excuses. Tap into: I can!
Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple. but significant. ~Maria Defilo
The Questions: Why give away your power? Why give into the naysayers, toxic situations, people, even stuff you accumulate that’s no longer necessary? Why make life more difficult? Simplify! Rid what’s in the way. Put value on yourself.
Clutter is not just physical stuff, it’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. ~Eleanor Brown
Think about this: Why would you be less capable than anyone else?
The Takeaway: Get determined and focused – live a life that satisfies you.
Here’s an affirmation to repeat: I will work on achieving my goals and dreams. Always remember if they don’t happen the way you planned…the silver lining – you will learn and become more resilient, ready to try again. Remain positive!
“If it doesn’t add to your life, it doesn’t belong in your life.” ~Anonymous
Self-promise: Believe in your worth. When worry, self doubt, fear, toxic thoughts, people, stress and excuses creep in, switch your thinking. Positive over negative…declutter anything that stops forward momentum.
If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down. ~Buddha
Here’s an activity to reinforce decluttering anything negative in your life: Make a list of everything that stops you from being your best version and anything that robs joy: Include people, situations to avoid and clutter to rid. Pledge to free yourself so you can welcome a happier you. Post it where is can be seen (only by you). Practice courage: Stick to your plan – oust these things from your life….check them off. Add more if needed.
Things to remember to declutter what holds you back from a best life:
Clutter isn’t just stuff on a floor. It’s anything standing between you and a life you want to live. ~Anonymous
#1. Each morning read the activity list you created to stay on track.
#2. Control only what you can. Stop trying to control what’s out of your hands.
#3. Fight the urge – dismiss apprehensive, negative thoughts; embrace positivity.
#4. Believe, trust you can declutter. It becomes easier as you develop self-reliance.
Our attitude is a big contributor when it comes to the outcome of any situation.
Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all. ~Nathan W. Morris
Quick strategies (ideas) to help declutter and thrive – Practice daily!
Please share yours in the comments section below. Or email me at:
#1. Life is what we make it! Harness strength, get brave – release the clutter.
#2. Stop procrastinating, no excuses. Subtract something in your way each day.
#3. As you declutter celebrate each achievement…it’s the proof you can!
#4. Stop thinking – what will others think. Instead put value on how you feel.
Lead with a positive mind; live inspired! Believe you can: LIVE THE LIFE YOU ENVISION.
Tap into these Daily Decisions! Live your dreams! Don’t compromise your way.
Get in the habit of asking yourself: Does this support the life I’m trying to create? ~Anonymous